Fostering Connection in Huntsville

At Fleming Farms, we don’t just welcome the march of technological progress—we join in the innovation parade. 

This means that we believe technology can add value and improve lives.

Our Bridge App makes it easy for families to stay connected, and we offer virtual visits, medical alert systems, and remote access to wellness programs. We focus on fostering connectivity, well-being, and security for every resident and family member.

Experience the future of senior living at Fleming Farms.

Technology-Enhanced Well-Being 

We carefully select technology that supports and raises the standard of living at Fleming Farms. 

From HIPAA-compliant telehealth consultations enabling real-time connection with healthcare providers to educational tools that spearhead our wellness initiatives, we’re committed to meeting the evolving needs of our community.

The Bridge App

The Bridge App is our custom-designed tool for ensuring residents and their families stay closely connected.

This app is accessible on phones, tablets, or computers and informs family members about residents’ daily activities, covering everything from scheduled appointments to dining options.

Download the Bridge App today. Also available for iOS.

Families are always in the know when it comes to their loved one’s daily lives. 

Through the app, residents, families, and our associates can share photos, schedule appointments, and so much more.

Families are also part of their loved one’s wellness experience and the activities they enjoy from week to week.

They can keep track of upcoming events and stay aware of any health or lifestyle changes.

Families and residents can make payments easily and securely through the app. 

This feature makes it easier for families to keep up with their loved one’s finances while residents focus on living life to the fullest.

Electronic Medical & Health Records

Emergency medical and health records help us monitor resident health information and are readily accessible and efficiently managed. 

When a resident’s care plan changes, these updates are automatically added to their electronic health records, keeping our team up-to-date with their needs.

By reducing the administrative burden on our caregivers, we empower them to focus more on what truly matters—providing compassionate and individualized care.

Modern Senior Living in Alabama

We embrace innovative technology that celebrates our residents’ independence and enhances the family experience. Visit our community to learn more. 

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